Wednesday, May 5, 2021

September 1948

 September came in with a bag. We have never seen such terribly, terribly hot weather. 117 degrees in house at Camp. We are all melting! Extremely foggy at the beach. Odd, isn't it?

No water in pipes. What a miserable way to live. All water must be hauled from Zylpha's in buckets. Will everyday living ever be easy? We are counting on the new house. Hope it doesn't fail us. 

Johnny came home from Big Bear. Had a fine time.

Jeanne and her children were at Granny's. Chris is as wide as she is tall and as cute as can be. Little John is very sweet and laughs all the time. Cut his first tooth at four months, and is cutting four more now.

Sept 4th- Union Oil Co on strike! We are broke. Wonder if it will last for long?

Weaver and Maggie have gone to the show three times since Zylpha has been here. What a treat. Sure enjoyed it.

Summer school over! One week left until school starts. Will Sue get into the Catholic school? We haven't heard. 

Strike still on. 5 days old. Probably won't get our pay check and we need it.

Zylpha and her children left for Catalina on the 10th. Things are a bit quieter around this joint.

Jeanne's birthday! Sept 18th. 29 years old.

School again (13th) Johnny in 8th grade at Agoura. Sue got in the Catholic school and is as happy as can be. 4th Grade.

Mike is still too young but will go next Sept. He'll be six and a half then. 

Weaver working on tile in the bathroom. If the strike keeps up we may have the house nearly complete. 

Walker and Lorna were down for the weekend. Took Cannon for the day. I guess they will marry after the trial. 

Granny started school again. Good! Oil painting and pottery. 

John and Lorna were down. (21st) John gave us a honey of a photo of himself. Guess Cannon will be leaving us before very long. We'll sure miss him. 

Weaver ordered pressure system. Should come Monday. 

Strike still on. (22nd.) Looks like it might end soon though, we hope!

Stop by Dora's for coffee in the morning now and then. 

Granny Bea located Weaver some pipe- boy do we need it.

Edwards and family were up. Haven't been up for two years or more.

Lubig wired pump and put in electric motor. Sure is swell. Just press a button. (25th)

Pop was up (26th) and donated $100.00 to us poor strikers. We will pay him back though. He'd give us his shirt if we needed it.

Lorna gave me my first home permanent. Looks pretty good and it nice and short. 

John's trial in progress. Took Cannon down so the jury could see him.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

August 1948

 Zylpha left for Catalina. She will be gone indefinitely.

I kept Patrick three days but finally took him to Bea's. Too tired! Too many kids! Family seems kind of small now with only four children to bath and feed. 

The electric sander came. Wonderful invention. Sure will save our arms. Does a good job too.

Weaver started his glass blowing job on the 4th. Thinks he will like it very much. Studies at night.

Johnny is staying at Farmor's for a week. Will go to school from there. Skipper is staying too.

Farmor isn't feeling too well. Bad cold or flu again.

Susy bought herself a bike for her birthday. She really is happy with it. Bea gave her a nice suitcase and five dollars. She bought a dress and plaid shirt to wear with jeans. Meredith gave her a lovely string of pearls. Farmor is going to have her down for a party next Saturday.

Had the bulldozer up again. Covered up the septic tank and made our road over in front. Swings around in a circle now. We all like it better.

Weaver poured shower floor. Very nice and he did a good leak-proof job.

What, oh what are my kiddies going to wear to school this year? No money for clothes.

Farmor gave Sue and Maggie a birthday party. Sure was nice. Beautiful cake! Sue got jeans, shirt, sweater (beauty) panties and dress. Farmor and Pop gave me a lovely set of dishes (Desert Rose pattern)

Farmor, Jackie, Johnny and Skipper were going to the drive-in theater and Skipper fell out of the car. Banged up pretty bad- tore his ear half off, but doctors say he will be alright. He's in Children's Hospital. 

John and Lorna were down on the 22nd. Say they are going to get married after trial.

Weaver is working on bathroom paneling. Really looks swell. It's going to be awfully pretty. 

Susy and Mike spent a few days at Jeanne's. They had a wonderful time. Went to the amusement park and went on everything.

Johnny has gone to Big Bear with Pop, Farmor, Leo and Jackie. 

Mike scared to death today (Sun 29th). Rattlesnake!!! Out at house. Close by. 3' long. Poor little guy was terrified. 

Weaver almost through lining bathroom. Sure looks pretty. Maggie bought some ivy for the kitchen. Makes a difference. 

Susie, Mike and Milo

Sunday, March 7, 2021

July 1948


Warm weather is finally here to stay I guess. The Pauls were all up over the 4th visiting Zylpha. Weaver had three days off and great hopes of finishing the kitchen. However- too much company! He only got one cupboard door finished. Maggie and the children spent the day out there (5th) and all worked sanding, puttying and painting. Really looks swell.

One more weekend and Weaver should be finished in the kitchen. It is lovely. We are all very pleased.

Sunday, 11th- Cannon's birthday and all the relatives came. Virginia Doc and Millie, Gloria and Bud. Also the whole Talley family. Quite a crown and he got some nice gifts. Virginia had a lovely big cake made for him. 

Pop has sent us two crates of cantelope. Boy! Are they ever good! 

Johnny was sick for three weeks. Very sick! Rhymes thought he had pneumonia, I guess. Now Pete is sick. Same thing as Johnny we think, but doesn't run as high a temperature. Betty is covered with something. Always scratching. 

Mom made me two pretty dresses. She has lost a lot of weight. Looks swell.

The kids and Maggie spent a day at Farmor's. We all had a nice time. Johnny washed the car and did a beautiful job. Pop will be home soon.

July 16th- Our beaching started again. Sure was nice. Took all the Raritys, two Rorisons, and Dora came down with Bea. Mom got me a honey of a bathing suit. Looks good. Also gave me a lunch basket and it is a honey. We are all fixed up now.

Betty Little's baby will be here about Thanksgiving. She is well and happy.

Been going to the beach twice a week now. We all enjoy it. the weather hasn't been too good though. 

Maggie had a nice birthday. Bea gave her a swell housecoat and pearls, etc. Quite a few nice things. Dora made aprons and Zyl gave a purse. 

Farmor and Pop took Weaver and Maggie out for dinner. Went to China town. Had a delicious dinner. All very nice. Zylpha took care of the kids. 

Pop and Leo came up to view the house. Leo likes it fine. Anyway- So he says.

Maggie and Baby Susy- Malibu Beach

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

June 1948


Things are progressing nicely. Weather is pretty bad though. Cold and drizzly. The children will be out of school on the 18th. 

Dora has moved out temporarily. Packy staying with Zylpha.

Weaver went to Catalina with Edwards and Hagaman. Had a wonderful time. Bea and Meredith went at the same time but didn't see Weaver. 

John and Lorna down. Took all his dishes, etc. back home.

Abby brought our sink top. Boy does it ever look pretty. Weaver is doing a swell job of laying it. 

Farmor sold my stove for me. $85.00. Pretty good for a six your old stove. It was in good shape.

Hope we can get out of here pretty soon. This place is falling apart. 

John Wellington (Whelan) is an awfully sweet baby. We went over to see him.

Sink top and snack bar complete. Beautiful! We love it.

Upper cabinets in kitchen done except for doors. Plenty of room. Hard time getting lumber. 

Weaver changed jobs! (June 21st) Thinks he is going to like it much better. I hope so.

Had annual school picnic at Seminole. We all had a fine time.

Johnny passed into 8th grade, and Sue into 4th. Sue got all A's on her card. Smart gal!

Farmor gave Johnny a birthday dinner. A bit late but very welcome. We all had a good time and dinner was perfect.

May 1948

 May Day! May baskets everywhere. All the children made them. Aunt Dora helped. Very Pretty.

1st- Cannon fell down and cut his mouth. Maggie took him to docs and got two stitches in it. Says is won't scar as he gets older. Poor little guy is covered with poison oak. He looks miserable.

Graham and family were up. We all had a picnic at the house.

Weaver putting bricks up behind stove. Looks swell!

Fruit trees are doing fine. Covered with fruit. Will we get it, or will the birds? 

Zylpha may move to Porterville. John is going to live with her.

Granny Bea is under the weather. Too bad!

Johnny's birthday the 7th. 12 years old. He sure is a husky fellow. Had a crewcut too. Looks fine. Farmor gave him a watch. Bea gave him t-shirts and a watch. Jackie gave him money. We gave him a ten gallon hat and St Chris medal and key chain. More money from Meredith and Mikey. Bea made cake and sent ice cream. All camp inhabitants partook in the occasion.

Mother's day (9th). The children gave Maggie a box of chocolates and Weaver brought her a beautiful gardenia which she tucked in her flowing tresses. Ah me!

Weaver finished brick wall and snack bar in kitchen. Looks beautiful!!!

Zylpha's birthday (15th) 33 years old. Mom came up. Z. not going to Porterville. John has his own apt. and seems to like it. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

April 1948

 Pop, Leo and Jackie were up on the 4th.

Weaver making kitchen drawers now. Donohos were up.

Weaver disced the orchard for the first time this year. The trees are doing beautifully. Have quite a few blossoms on them. 

Jeanne's little boy is a darling. Went over to see her. Christina gets prettier every day. 

Farmor, Jackie and Jack S were up Sunday the 11th. Pleased with Weaver's work.

All over cabinets and drawers are finished. Look swell.

Maggie's new kettles came today (21st) Sure are classy. Quite a thrill.

Weaver has finished trim and molding in the kitchen. 

Dora's Birthday. 19th. 27 years old.

March 1948

 Zylpha had pneumonia and survived. Has now returned to camp to live. 

Weaver ordered my stove. May not come for 2 weeks (Mar 2)

Inspector passed on tank and framing. Hurray! (Mar 3rd)

Weaver brought home our new stove. Gee it sure is a honey. Can't wait to cook on it. 

Mike was 5 years old today (6th). Had quite a gathering. He sure is cute. Farmor gave him some lovely clothes and Bea gave him musical instruments. We gave him a swell scooter. 

John came down today (7th) brought his gal, Lorna. Sure glad to see them. 

Weaver bought the kitchen sink and lavatory. Both swell! Started to panel the kitchen . His vacation starts the 14th. 

12th- Jeanne, John and Christina came up for the day and dinner. Poor Jeanne, so uncomfortable. Her new baby should be here soon. Chris is a darling. 

Betty Brent is as cute as a bug's ear. We laugh every time we look at her.

Weaver is on vacation! Paneling kitchen. Looks beautiful.

Been raining three days now. Sure is nice. Might do our well good.

St Patrick's Day! The kids can eat candy! They are quite excited.

At last- Easter! 29th. Had quite an egg hunt. The rabbit laid them all over. Cannonball didn't quite grasp the idea, but he was cute. Pop and Jack S. came up for breakfast. Had it out at the house and used my new stove. It sure is nice. Cooks swell. John came down. Cannon loves his daddy to death. 

Jeanne still waiting for her baby. Hurry up!

The kitchen is coming along beautifully. Weaver is doing a swell job. Should be complete before long.

Weaver goes back to work tomorrow. (30th)

This joint (the camp) is a real bee hive, or hornet's nest, whichever you prefer. Zyl and her kids are here, and Dora and her kids too. Ho Hum. Gone is the peace and quiet.

Jeanne has a baby boy (Mar 31st) Both fine. Johnny Jr.

Friday, February 19, 2021

February 1948

 Cold! Cold! Cold! Never have we seen such weather. Temperature down to 22 degrees mornings of 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Still not a bit of rain.

Had the bulldozer up again. He finished digging septic tank trench. Took him 2 hours to go one foot. Would have taken Weaver several weekends I guess. Also, he made a back road for us and finished clearing the orchard. We hope to get a garden of some sort in. Need some rain first though. 

Went in to Mom's to do my wash on the 3rd. Kept Susy home. Hot water system on fritz again. Olive Staples and Ruth were there for lunch. Dora and Patrick too.

John and Sue both got good report cards. Guess Johnny is in the 7th grade for good now. He has been very good about his school work. 

Susy and Johnny walking home from School

Feb 5th and 6th- RAIN-HAIL-WIND. At last it is raining. More hail than I have ever seen. The ground was covered this morning. Still lots of clouds, so expect more rain. This shack leaks like a sieve. Pans in each room catching water. Drip! Drip! Drip!

Feb 8th and 9th- We all worked at putting the gravel (10 tons) in trench for the septic tank. What a job! Weaver of course did the most but we all worked hard too. The weather was beautiful. The line is half laid. Should be completed and ready for inspection next week. 

Pappy's cast is off. Was taken off the 16th of January. Feels better but still having trouble with his legs. Trial comes up March 31st in Stockton. Says he will be down there too. Hope Loretta comes.

Mabel and Phil and two little girls came to call. Hadn't seen them for two years. 

Weaver finally finished septic tank. What a relief! It was an awfully big job. 

Maggie painted window frames again. Won't be long before they are finished. I hope!

Johnny went for his first real long hike. Buddy and Mr Wilson went too. Up to Beacon light and then over to the tower. A long, long way. 

Inspector gave OK on septic tank. Have to make changes in leach line. 

Maggie painted window frames again. Flat is on (2 coats) most of them. Cannonball sleeps out there on Sundays and we have a big lunch when he wakes up. We all look forward to weekends.

McNerney's were up on the 23rd. We all had a nice day.

Pop and Bart came up on 22nd. Pop is fairly satisfied with our progress. 

Zylpha has pneumonia! Dora has gone over to Catalina to take care of her. Dora quit her job.

Maggie went down to look at sinks. Picked out a honey. $80.00 but really nice. Crane. 

Weather is lovely but we sure do need more rain!

Spent the day over at Jeanne's. Hadn't seen her since Christmas. Sure did have a nice visit. Christina is a darling. 

Went to Farmor's for dinner. Really a swell dinner. Looked at movies after. 

Bud came up (Feb 29th) and helped Weaver finish framing around fireplace, etc. Ought to be able to start paneling soon. 

Finished leach line. Open for inspection. Bought a sink and returned it next day.

Mikey, Susy, Grandpa McKain, Packy

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Happy New Year! January 1948

 We had a very nice New Year's Eve. Our first in the new house. Mike, Cannonball, Susy, Johnny, Weaver and Maggie all slept out there. We had dinner and sat in front of the fire and listened to the radio. We all enjoyed it very much. 

Dora and Patrick both have scarlet fever. Susy has been exposed. We have our fingers crossed. 

Weaver bought the light fixtures for the kitchen and outside front and back doors. We all like them very much, in fact they are very, very pretty.

Jan 5th- We all put in a hard day today. Laid the floor for the septic tank. Johnny and Weaver worked the mixer and hauled, and Maggie was down in the hole. Mike had charge of water.

Just got word that Katie Worn died. From a stroke. We all feel bad because we love Katie. She was sweet and a good friend.

Jan. 11th Sunday- Whitfield and family came to Weaver get started on septic tank walls. Had lunch out there. John was down. Trial going to start. 

Monday 12th- Weaver continued working on walls. Very neat and nice. 

Still no rain. Weather just like Spring. Water low everywhere.

Patrick and Dora pulled through fever okay. No ill effects. Susy escaped it. Lucky!

Milo C Walker and daughter, Dora Rorison

Pop sent another thousand for the house. Makes $6,700 we now owe him. No more! We scrape from here on. Going to look at stoves and sinks soon.

Bea and Maud came up for the day. Jeanne and Christina were supposed to come but didn't show up.

Pappy getting better (slowly). Should get his cast off before long. 

John selling out to Cope. His trial comes up in May. 

John in Porterville police force. Sold Business. 

Cannonball's relatives came to see him. Virginia, Doc, Millie, Gloria and Bud. Nice People.

No rain as yet (28th). Terribly windy. 

Weaver and Johnny building a racer for Johnny to buzz around in. 

Children gather icicles every morning. They break them off and put paper around one end so they can suck on them.

December 1947

 Built a fire in the Living Room fireplace today for the first time. Really is wonderful. We are very pleased.

John went to court on manslaughter case. Postponed to Feb '48.

Weaver ordered front door. Redwood on outside, combed plywood on inside.

Christmas is a worry. No money, as usual!!!

Had dinner out in the house for the first time Sunday, Dec 8th also Monday, Dec 9th. Cooked it on a coal oil stove and sat in front of the fire. We all had fun.

The bulldozer came and dug the hole and trench for the septic tank.

Bud and Weaver hung all three doors. They sure are nice. Maggie is painting them. 

Electricity is supposed to be put in this week(Dec 16) Happy day!

Today (17th) is Weaver's 37th birthday. He has the flu and feels pretty bad. 

Went to Farmor's for birthday dinner. Nice! Pretty wool shirt from Farmor, sox from Jackie, bread (6 loaves) from Lee and Lenore.

Maggie, Sue and Mike went on a turkey hunt today. Stepped outside, saw a turkey, so started hunting. He's ready to cook right now. 

Children's Christmas play was tonight (18th). Pretty good! Both Sue and Johnny knew their parts and Santa even remembered Mike and Milo. 

Christmas Eve was fun. Put up tree in new house. Stayed up until 3:00am. Johnny, Mike, Cannonball (Milo) and John spent the night out there. The moon was full and the night warm.

Christmas day was fun too. Went to Bea's first. Her house looked swell with all the new furniture. Susy got a lovely coat. At Farmor's Mike got his jeep. Oh, but he is thrilled. It's a honey. Susy got her stove, baby and bassinet. Such a lot of toys. Johnny got his radio. It has a wonderful tone. Weaver and I got linen. Beautiful, beautiful linen. I'm tickled to death. We all had a wonderful Christmas but we sure wish that we could give for once, instead of receive. Mom gave me a honey of a dress. I love it. 

Put our pole in for electricity (also meter) on Dec 26th. May be connected by New Year's Eve.

29th of December '47- Electricity all hooked up! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Exciting, eh, wot? Maggie's going to iron with her new iron that she's had for 3 years and never used, and Weaver's going to hook up his new saw.

Regarding paragraph above- Both articles mentioned worked fine. We were very pleased. 

Susy is staying at Bea's for a few days. We all miss her. 

"Cannonball" got lots of nice toys for Christmas from Porterville, L.A. and San Diego. Also Oxnard. Everyone remembered him.

No rain as yet. Bad!

November 1947

Baby Mike walks now. About time!

Finished dug well. All walled up now. Weaver and Doug did it. Bud finished siding.


Pappy and Ed Kemper came down and brought our Christmas tree. Boy! It sure is a beauty!! (silver tip)

Pappy and Ed in Automobile accident in Stockton on the way home. Both in hospital with broken limbs.

Maggie bedded down peach seeds in wet sand for winter. Plant in February.

Betty Little has an adorable baby girl 9 mo old. She is just like a little doll (Linda)

"Little" Mike had his very first haircut today, Nov 21st . I saved some curls for his baby book. He sure looks cute.

Thanksgiving was very nice. Went to Farmor's. All the family. Elmer, Luella and Pammy Lu- Betty, Ben, Skipper and Linda-Jack Suero- Jackie, Lee and Lenore- And all of us. Little Mike was as good as can be. I was so glad. He got in the movies the same as everyone else.

Received a long letter from Loretta telling me all about Dad's accident. He got banged up pretty bad but will be ok in time. 

Louie Shroeder came up with Bart. Haven't seen him for years. McNerney's were up too.

Mom going to Catalina for a week. 

Weaver bought two back doors for the house. They are nice. Finished up all the oiling. Maggie started painting window frames. 

Russ Gray delivered all our supplies for the septic tank. Next Weaver digs the hole.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

October 1947

 Weaver overhauled Elmer's car. Worn out and now starts the fireplace. Kneen of Topanga is building it with Weaver as helper. Kneen is sure a funny old duck. Weaver on vacation.

Put part of roof on. Looks good.

Fireplaces are fine. We like them. Haven't had a fire yet.

Got siding and windows. Most are all done now. Beautiful! Pop and Jack came up and oiled siding. Really looks swell.

John's new car smashed up. Cope rolled it over. Tough! 

Roof all on now. Complete!

Christina is one year old. 

Pop ordered the seeds for our fruit tree experiment. Hope it works out well. 

Mom been pretty low. Doc says she's tired out and too much family. I told her that five years ago myself.

Grandpa Pop, John Weaver Rarity Sr. unsure of date.

September 1947

 Ordered and received bricks for fireplaces. Anxious to see how it will look and burn. 

Kay killed in automobile accident. Poor John and baby. Little Mike came to live with us at Camp. John still working in Porterville. Comes down each weekend to see baby.

Kay and baby Milo

Kay and Milo Walker jr

Milo C Walker Jr family

School started again. Johnny is trying to complete the 6th and 7th grades in one year. Susy in third grade.

Mike and Peter started a fire on the hill in back of the house. Almost scared us to death. Hotter than Hades and we all ran our legs off. The devils! All county fire dept arrived.

No more beach!! Beautiful tans on all of us.

Bought our aluminum roofing. We like it very much. It's neat and pretty.

Pal has distemper and in dog hospital.

Zylpha moved to Catalina.

August 1947

 Still going to beach three times a week. All getting as brown as berries. Mikey and Packy go with us each time.

Got more lumber for house. Rolling along slow but sure. Bud and Doug Harline helping again. Bud stayed two nights up here. 

Put up the beams. They are beautiful. We are very proud and pleased.

Had house insured for 10,000. 

Dore getting better all the time. Arm still in cast.

Zylpha still up in camp. All getting along fine. 

Everyone has their houses wired and electricity in. Makes it nice for all. We haven't got it in Camp as of yet. No money! 

Susy is 8 years old. A very sweet little girl. 

Susie and cousin Mikey

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

July 1947

 Started Johnny in summer school. He goes in the morning at 9:30 until 10:30am and then we go to the beach for the day. Having a vacation at least. 3 times a week. 

Little Mike walker is 1 year old this month. So is Betty Brent. 

Harlines and Weaver put up framing. Weaver built it on the floor and they helped put it up and finish it. Looks swell. Get a better idea of it all. 

Maggie was 30 years old this month. 

Susy and Mike at Granny Bea's House 7/'47

June 1947

 Put down cement slab. Started raining and worried us sick. 

Three Harlines, Howard and Weaver did the work. Maggie hauled the water.

Had the bulldozer do some work in the orchard. Looks a lot better. He leveled it off quite a bit.

Clark Mohr helped Weaver dig in the well some more. Still have water. Trying to keep up with it. Only get about 50 gal a day out of the other well. Dug well 18' 6". 

Zylpha is moving up to camp on the 15th. 

Lumber ordered and arrived for framing of house.

Mert ran away. Couldn't take it any more I guess. 

They are putting up the poles for the electricity now. Isn't that swell? We are going to have all electric appliances in the house. 

May 1947

Had rough plumbing for house put in. 

Started to get supplies for floor of house. Poured the forms. Doug Harline and Howard (?) helped Weaver. 

Johnny is 11 years old! Big boy!


April 1947

 Johnny got a beautiful bike. A Monarch. He is certainly a happy boy. Bought it all with his own money. Very proud. $54.08.

Hired Luick from Woodland Hills to start digging well. Went down 14' to start. $85.00.

Had pump installed on drilled well (Aiken and Kidder). Had dry ice put down in well. Flop!

Susy and John III 4/'47

Monday, February 15, 2021

March 1947


Mike and Susy, foundation of house

The Walkers moved from camp to Porterville. They are living in a lovely home. Kay is very excited and happy. 

Discovered our drilled well to be more or less dry. The Raritys have never been lower. We are all heartbroken. Maybe things will be better later. May dig a well. 

Dora in a very serious automobile accident. Going to be alright but it will be a long time. 

Put in the forms for the foundation. Doesn't look as big as we thought it would. 

Mike is 4 years old. A cute little devil if there ever was one.

February 1947

 Put out our fruit trees this month. Certainly makes us feel good to see then in the ground. 21 trees. We will get more later.

Milo and Susy '47

January 1947


Kitchen Cabin 1942

Started fence. Just around orchard at present. Looks good. Put out little pine trees. 

Rarity bogged down his tractor. Berrian helped him get it out. Johnny too! 

Bought dynamite for stumps in orchard. Figure on doing it next month. 


 A great write-up of this place that is legendary to our family.

MUCH thanks to Milo Walker and John Weaver Rarity III! 

McKain’s Camp                              2/18/2021

The camp owes its beginning to Ed McKain, Milo Walker Sr. (Pappy), and a friend named Ed Kemper.  Ed McKain was the father of Beatrice; now known to most of us as Granny Bea.  Milo and Bea were married.  Ed owned McKain Manufacturing Company and Milo owned a car dealership – both businesses were located in Canoga Park, California I believe.  McKain came up with the idea of acquiring some property out in the boondocks where family and his employees could recreate and have fun.  OK – PARTY!  I don’t know who originally owned the land, but McKain acquired 12 acres of property located in a valley canopied with old oak trees and watered year around by a stream running through the length of the acreage from south east to north west.  It was very secluded and located at the end of what is now named McKain Rd., which begins at Stump Rd. which in turn connects to Mulholland Hwy.  I’m guessing that this occurred during the early 1930’s.

McKain, Pappy and Kemper went about building a dance hall, some small cabins and eventually  two houses; one on the N/W part of the property near the creek that was known as ‘Dora’s cabin’.  The house on the south side of the creek a little ways up the slope was known as the ‘main house’. There was a house across the creek from Dora’s cabin that was considered McKain’s house.  John Rarity 3 recalls that McKain died in that house and it became known as ‘Dora’s House’ when she moved into it later.  There was also a small cabin near the dance hall called Zylpha’s cabin.   Kemper built a one room log cabin on his 10 acre parcel abutting the camp not far from the creek.  The dance hall burned down during a fire that also destroyed the water holding tank up the slope from main house.  The fire also destroyed Dora’s cabin and Zylpha’s cabin.  There was a generator near the bottom of the drive coming into the camp and it supplied power for lights in many of the buildings.  Both of the main houses were using gravity fed water systems from small streams above them.  I don’t recall the houses having toilets; outhouses were used.  I remember the outhouse near the main house contained a Sears catalog for perusal to stop you from worrying about getting bit on the butt by a spider while doing your business.  At a later date the outdoor kitchen was built by Weaver below the main house near a bridge that connected the north side of the property with the south side.  Pictures of the kitchen show like large windows all the way around…. They were all screened (no glass installed) to keep flies out but let any breezes in.   Between the outdoor kitchen and the main house was a small bunkhouse which was known as John’s house because Milo Jr. lived in it for awhile (I know – it gets really confusing.  Milo Jr. was also called Mike or John at certain times in his life).

 Maggie and Weaver moved to the camp in 1939 when their son John Jr. was 3 yrs old.  In 1945 Milo Jr. married Kay and had a son, Milo #3, which would be me!  They moved into Kemper’s Cabin for a time.  Dora came to live in the ‘McKain’s house’ with husband Mert.  Over time Maggie and Weaver acquired land (6 acres) near the intersection of Mulholland Hwy. and Stump Rd. where they proceeded to build a home.  When the home was built the Rarity Clan which now included Milo 3 (me!) moved into it from the Camp.  Zylpha, Peter and Betty Brent then moved into the main House which the Rarity’s had vacated.  The Camp aided many folks during the rebuild after the Depression and through the years of WW 2.

For me, the Camp was a wondrous playground.  When the weather got hot us kids would dam up parts of the creek to use as shallow ‘swimming’ holes for cooling off.    We had bikes for getting around and all of the trees and hills were my playground.  I would hike about ¾ mile from the house on Mulholland Hwy. down to the Camp to see Betty and Peter Brent, and cousin Packy.    There were very few homes in the general area and none with kids my age, so I was often on my own to play, explore the hills and just be a kid.  I had a BB rifle and a bow with arrows…… Life was good. ~ Written by Milo C Walker III, aka, "little Mike", aka "Cannonball" 

Here are a few pictures and a map of how the "Camp" property was set up.

The period that these pictures are from is mostly the 40s. 

Map of the area today 

Dora's house across creek 1949

Grandpa's house

House where Maggie and Weaver lived while building new home. Susy about 4.

Kitchen, 1942

November 1948

Weaver still up north. Gone to Oregon. I'm so lonesome and sad. It's almost unbearable. Thank God for Pop and Farmor. Should be home...