Tuesday, March 9, 2021

August 1948

 Zylpha left for Catalina. She will be gone indefinitely.

I kept Patrick three days but finally took him to Bea's. Too tired! Too many kids! Family seems kind of small now with only four children to bath and feed. 

The electric sander came. Wonderful invention. Sure will save our arms. Does a good job too.

Weaver started his glass blowing job on the 4th. Thinks he will like it very much. Studies at night.

Johnny is staying at Farmor's for a week. Will go to school from there. Skipper is staying too.

Farmor isn't feeling too well. Bad cold or flu again.

Susy bought herself a bike for her birthday. She really is happy with it. Bea gave her a nice suitcase and five dollars. She bought a dress and plaid shirt to wear with jeans. Meredith gave her a lovely string of pearls. Farmor is going to have her down for a party next Saturday.

Had the bulldozer up again. Covered up the septic tank and made our road over in front. Swings around in a circle now. We all like it better.

Weaver poured shower floor. Very nice and he did a good leak-proof job.

What, oh what are my kiddies going to wear to school this year? No money for clothes.

Farmor gave Sue and Maggie a birthday party. Sure was nice. Beautiful cake! Sue got jeans, shirt, sweater (beauty) panties and dress. Farmor and Pop gave me a lovely set of dishes (Desert Rose pattern)

Farmor, Jackie, Johnny and Skipper were going to the drive-in theater and Skipper fell out of the car. Banged up pretty bad- tore his ear half off, but doctors say he will be alright. He's in Children's Hospital. 

John and Lorna were down on the 22nd. Say they are going to get married after trial.

Weaver is working on bathroom paneling. Really looks swell. It's going to be awfully pretty. 

Susy and Mike spent a few days at Jeanne's. They had a wonderful time. Went to the amusement park and went on everything.

Johnny has gone to Big Bear with Pop, Farmor, Leo and Jackie. 

Mike scared to death today (Sun 29th). Rattlesnake!!! Out at house. Close by. 3' long. Poor little guy was terrified. 

Weaver almost through lining bathroom. Sure looks pretty. Maggie bought some ivy for the kitchen. Makes a difference. 

Susie, Mike and Milo

Sunday, March 7, 2021

July 1948


Warm weather is finally here to stay I guess. The Pauls were all up over the 4th visiting Zylpha. Weaver had three days off and great hopes of finishing the kitchen. However- too much company! He only got one cupboard door finished. Maggie and the children spent the day out there (5th) and all worked sanding, puttying and painting. Really looks swell.

One more weekend and Weaver should be finished in the kitchen. It is lovely. We are all very pleased.

Sunday, 11th- Cannon's birthday and all the relatives came. Virginia Doc and Millie, Gloria and Bud. Also the whole Talley family. Quite a crown and he got some nice gifts. Virginia had a lovely big cake made for him. 

Pop has sent us two crates of cantelope. Boy! Are they ever good! 

Johnny was sick for three weeks. Very sick! Rhymes thought he had pneumonia, I guess. Now Pete is sick. Same thing as Johnny we think, but doesn't run as high a temperature. Betty is covered with something. Always scratching. 

Mom made me two pretty dresses. She has lost a lot of weight. Looks swell.

The kids and Maggie spent a day at Farmor's. We all had a nice time. Johnny washed the car and did a beautiful job. Pop will be home soon.

July 16th- Our beaching started again. Sure was nice. Took all the Raritys, two Rorisons, and Dora came down with Bea. Mom got me a honey of a bathing suit. Looks good. Also gave me a lunch basket and it is a honey. We are all fixed up now.

Betty Little's baby will be here about Thanksgiving. She is well and happy.

Been going to the beach twice a week now. We all enjoy it. the weather hasn't been too good though. 

Maggie had a nice birthday. Bea gave her a swell housecoat and pearls, etc. Quite a few nice things. Dora made aprons and Zyl gave a purse. 

Farmor and Pop took Weaver and Maggie out for dinner. Went to China town. Had a delicious dinner. All very nice. Zylpha took care of the kids. 

Pop and Leo came up to view the house. Leo likes it fine. Anyway- So he says.

Maggie and Baby Susy- Malibu Beach

November 1948

Weaver still up north. Gone to Oregon. I'm so lonesome and sad. It's almost unbearable. Thank God for Pop and Farmor. Should be home...