Wednesday, May 5, 2021

September 1948

 September came in with a bag. We have never seen such terribly, terribly hot weather. 117 degrees in house at Camp. We are all melting! Extremely foggy at the beach. Odd, isn't it?

No water in pipes. What a miserable way to live. All water must be hauled from Zylpha's in buckets. Will everyday living ever be easy? We are counting on the new house. Hope it doesn't fail us. 

Johnny came home from Big Bear. Had a fine time.

Jeanne and her children were at Granny's. Chris is as wide as she is tall and as cute as can be. Little John is very sweet and laughs all the time. Cut his first tooth at four months, and is cutting four more now.

Sept 4th- Union Oil Co on strike! We are broke. Wonder if it will last for long?

Weaver and Maggie have gone to the show three times since Zylpha has been here. What a treat. Sure enjoyed it.

Summer school over! One week left until school starts. Will Sue get into the Catholic school? We haven't heard. 

Strike still on. 5 days old. Probably won't get our pay check and we need it.

Zylpha and her children left for Catalina on the 10th. Things are a bit quieter around this joint.

Jeanne's birthday! Sept 18th. 29 years old.

School again (13th) Johnny in 8th grade at Agoura. Sue got in the Catholic school and is as happy as can be. 4th Grade.

Mike is still too young but will go next Sept. He'll be six and a half then. 

Weaver working on tile in the bathroom. If the strike keeps up we may have the house nearly complete. 

Walker and Lorna were down for the weekend. Took Cannon for the day. I guess they will marry after the trial. 

Granny started school again. Good! Oil painting and pottery. 

John and Lorna were down. (21st) John gave us a honey of a photo of himself. Guess Cannon will be leaving us before very long. We'll sure miss him. 

Weaver ordered pressure system. Should come Monday. 

Strike still on. (22nd.) Looks like it might end soon though, we hope!

Stop by Dora's for coffee in the morning now and then. 

Granny Bea located Weaver some pipe- boy do we need it.

Edwards and family were up. Haven't been up for two years or more.

Lubig wired pump and put in electric motor. Sure is swell. Just press a button. (25th)

Pop was up (26th) and donated $100.00 to us poor strikers. We will pay him back though. He'd give us his shirt if we needed it.

Lorna gave me my first home permanent. Looks pretty good and it nice and short. 

John's trial in progress. Took Cannon down so the jury could see him.

November 1948

Weaver still up north. Gone to Oregon. I'm so lonesome and sad. It's almost unbearable. Thank God for Pop and Farmor. Should be home...