Sunday, February 21, 2021

April 1948

 Pop, Leo and Jackie were up on the 4th.

Weaver making kitchen drawers now. Donohos were up.

Weaver disced the orchard for the first time this year. The trees are doing beautifully. Have quite a few blossoms on them. 

Jeanne's little boy is a darling. Went over to see her. Christina gets prettier every day. 

Farmor, Jackie and Jack S were up Sunday the 11th. Pleased with Weaver's work.

All over cabinets and drawers are finished. Look swell.

Maggie's new kettles came today (21st) Sure are classy. Quite a thrill.

Weaver has finished trim and molding in the kitchen. 

Dora's Birthday. 19th. 27 years old.

March 1948

 Zylpha had pneumonia and survived. Has now returned to camp to live. 

Weaver ordered my stove. May not come for 2 weeks (Mar 2)

Inspector passed on tank and framing. Hurray! (Mar 3rd)

Weaver brought home our new stove. Gee it sure is a honey. Can't wait to cook on it. 

Mike was 5 years old today (6th). Had quite a gathering. He sure is cute. Farmor gave him some lovely clothes and Bea gave him musical instruments. We gave him a swell scooter. 

John came down today (7th) brought his gal, Lorna. Sure glad to see them. 

Weaver bought the kitchen sink and lavatory. Both swell! Started to panel the kitchen . His vacation starts the 14th. 

12th- Jeanne, John and Christina came up for the day and dinner. Poor Jeanne, so uncomfortable. Her new baby should be here soon. Chris is a darling. 

Betty Brent is as cute as a bug's ear. We laugh every time we look at her.

Weaver is on vacation! Paneling kitchen. Looks beautiful.

Been raining three days now. Sure is nice. Might do our well good.

St Patrick's Day! The kids can eat candy! They are quite excited.

At last- Easter! 29th. Had quite an egg hunt. The rabbit laid them all over. Cannonball didn't quite grasp the idea, but he was cute. Pop and Jack S. came up for breakfast. Had it out at the house and used my new stove. It sure is nice. Cooks swell. John came down. Cannon loves his daddy to death. 

Jeanne still waiting for her baby. Hurry up!

The kitchen is coming along beautifully. Weaver is doing a swell job. Should be complete before long.

Weaver goes back to work tomorrow. (30th)

This joint (the camp) is a real bee hive, or hornet's nest, whichever you prefer. Zyl and her kids are here, and Dora and her kids too. Ho Hum. Gone is the peace and quiet.

Jeanne has a baby boy (Mar 31st) Both fine. Johnny Jr.

November 1948

Weaver still up north. Gone to Oregon. I'm so lonesome and sad. It's almost unbearable. Thank God for Pop and Farmor. Should be home...